Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started

Wow! A New Year and a new start. I'm not even sure what to write about, but they say that consistency is more important than quality, so, I guess that's what we'll have to go for, at least in the beginning. 

Annykoshop.com or kolevart.com was started because I have always wanted to help my husband find some way to sell his artwork, (It's just too beautiful to not share with the world!) but like so many people, I have often had little, to no, confidence in my own ability to succeed. It’s so easy to listen to those little lies that you hear in your head that tell you that it’s too risky to try, or too hard to learn something new, or that others won’t like what you do! But, you’ll fail 100% of the times you don’t try, and Stoyan’s paintings are just too beautiful not to share with the world! So, here’s to kicking fear in the teeth!
 Annyko Shops LLC is the parent company I started, with the idea that as I grow in my abilities to share my joys, I can also grow the things I offer. We’re starting out with Stoyan’s artwork at KolevArt.com, (Annykoshop.com) there, I’ll be sharing the joys of art in the Kolev household. 

To tell you a little about the artist then…Stoyan, my husband, grew up in Bulgaria with an artist father, and an artist mother. Just by genetics, there were bound to be some kind of artistic abilities in his very blood. He grew up loving, learning, and living, art. He decided to be an architect. 

After attending architectural school, meeting his beautiful wife, and moving to the USA, his desire to become a better artist was rekindled, and he attended University Of Utah, majoring in art teaching. During that time he worked at an architectural firm and continued improving his architectural design skills, he landed an even better job at another architecture firm, and art was again put on the back burner. Painting became an occasional hobby when time permitted. After years of focused attention on providing for his growing family, he’s finally back at it, taking the time he needs to do something he’s always loved doing. With all that experience in architectural design, his art has only improved, especially when it comes to art that includes buildings. Some of his fans’ favorite paintings are of cherished family homes that remind them of their childhoods. (If you’re one of those people that would love a painting of a particular home that brings you joy, Stoyan is your man, just send us an email and we’ll get back to you.) While Stoyan does paintings with oil and acrylic, he has been favoring watercolors as of late, but as he explores all the possibilities he might surprise us with something new. 

Remember how I mentioned art in the genetics? Well, there are a few, or six, budding artists in the Kolev household now, so stay tuned, we might expand Kolev Art to include more than just Stoyan’s art. You never know, we might just have the next…um, Picasso, living under this roof. 

We’re so excited to be sharing Kolev Art with you! I hope we can bring the joy of art to your home! Thanks for visiting, and come again! 
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